Infant Care Plan
AMC offers a Plan for your child’s first year of life that carefully monitors their development and growth. The plan is provided by our skilled paediatricians and supported by several paediatric specialists as shown on the schedule. It also includes an electrocardiogram, hips ultrasound and neurosonography (an ultrasound study of brain tissues), as well as some basic laboratory tests. The plan includes regular checks at AMC by our paediatricians, the first at your home, and in case of illness 1 home visit. Whilst the plan is designed for newborn babies it is possible to enter at any time before 12 months so please discuss this with our marketing and sales staff. As with other plans in case any abnormalities are found we will organise further care for your infant.
Home visits during the first month
1 visit per year
Paediatrician checks at AMC Clinic
1,2,3,4,6,9, and 12 months
Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist
at 1 month
Ultrasound of Hips
at 1 month
Paediatric Neurology Specialist
at 1 month
Neurosonography (Brain ultrasound)
at 3 month
ECG / Electrocardiogram
at 3 month
Paediatric Ophthalmology Specialist
at 6 month
CBC – Full Blood count
at 12 month
Urine test
at 12 month
Stool (faeces) analysis
at 12 month
Home visits in case of illness
5 per year
Стоимость: €1900
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