Coffee as a Preventive Measure Against Infections and Depression

Daily moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer-related mortality, combats depression and anxiety, and aids the body in resisting infections, alleviating inflammation and enhancing immunity. 

According to the recent study, coffee, apart from its role in preventing cancer and cardio-vascular diseases, may improve metabolism, reducing inflammation, alleviating gout and diabetes risks, reducing all-cause mortality and even extending lifespan. 

(The study found that all coffee types were confirmed to possess the ability inhibit virus infection in cells. Its protective mechanism against viruses involves inhibiting the binding of the virus’ spike protein with human angiotensin - converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and reducing the activity of transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) and cathepsin L (CTSL), thereby preventing the virus from entering the cell.)

Chronic Inflammatory process is known to contribute to such conditions as cancers, CVD, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, other forms of dementia and depression. Inflammation, triggered by circulating nucleic acid metabolites or breakdown products may be counteracted by caffeine. 

It is noted that coffee’s association with longevity is linked to various bioactive compounds present in coffee: chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, trigonelline, cafestol, and melanoidins formed during its roasting. All of these substances exhibit antioxidant properties to and extent. 

Multiple studies have found that moderate coffee consumption can alleviate mental issues, such as depression and anxiety, and adding milk shows even better results, with respect to unsweetened and ground coffee. Milk enhances its anti-inflammatory effects by forming potent phenolic-amino acid complexes. 

It is suggested in the newer research that coffee with added milk offers greater benefits, as the cysteine in milk combines with polyphenols in coffee to form complexes, enhancing its anti-inflammatory activity. 

Finally, coffee can help combat depression through two mechanisms. It can increase the population of beneficial bacteria  in the gut. They, in turn, improve sleep quality and reduce worries through the gut-brain axis. The aroma of coffee beans can trigger the release of feel-good hormones, enhancing happiness. 

From the perspective of health benefits, there is not much difference among various types of coffee, where in terms of origin or brewing methods — its all about personal preferences. However, excessive coffee consumption can lead to side effects such as insomnia or restleness. 

*Among life-style testing “menu” at AMC, you may try certain genes mutation tests, coffee gene is among those. Ask for your Nutrigenomics evaluation.

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