Cardiac health package
A healthy heart is fundamental to good health and there are many ways of ensuring that you have the best cardiac health and are free from anxiety about heart disease. This cost-effective package is designed to identify and correct any medical or lifestyle risk factors you have and to free you from anxiety. If any abnormality or risk is identified, you may be assured that AMC will deliver the most up to date care to minimise the risks.
During your Medical, certain factors may suggest that you should see a Cardiologist, have an echocardiogram and/or a stress test and, if your blood pressure is raised, a 24hr blood pressure recording. You may also be referred to a dietician. All of these are available through AMC and can be arranged by our Physicians.


An assessment of cardiac risk factors by an AMC Physician to include:

Family History

Lifestyle factors (exercise, diet, smoking)

Weight and BMI

Renal and Electrolyte profile to include uric acid (Checks kidney function and risks of gout, which also affect heart disease)

Fasting Lipid Profile (To determine cholesterol and other fats in your blood)

Fasting blood glucose and Hb1Ac (to diagnose diabetes or impaired sugar handling which increases the risk of heart disease)

BNP or NT-proBNP blood test (measures if the heart is overworking)

3 x Resting Blood Pressure readings (To determine high blood pressure which causes heart enlargement and increase the risk of stroke – haemorrhage or clotting in the brain)

Electrocardiogram (To detect rhythm problems and enlargement of heart chambers)

Ultrasound of main cardiac vessel and abdominal aorta (to detect enlargement of major vessels) – √

Review and recommendations by AMC Physician

Ціна: €525

* Будь-які додаткові лабораторні дослідження, консультації спеціалістів, діагностика чи процедури будуть представлені в окремому рахунку

** Для всіх ліків буде виставлено окремий рахунок

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