Individual Nutrition Therapy
Food is the most powerful medicine. It makes us sick or it makes us healthy. It influences our capacity to live a happy and vibrant life. Nutrition therapy is based on the scientific concept that food, as nature intended it, provides the nutrients needed to heal the body and helps bring us back to a state of optimum health and vitality. Your individual nutrition plan is based on your unique nutritional needs; therefore one size does not fit all.

At your consultation

You will meet your AMC’s Nutritionist for a 60 minute one-on-one consultation. Your Nutritionist will investigate your case history, medications, current diet, and lifestyles. Together you will agree on your health goals with your Nutritionist guiding and coaching you on your personalised program.

You can expect

  • A full explanation of your health concerns and diet goals
  • A discussion of foods that may be contributing to your ailments
  • Suggestions of foods that may help alleviate your symptoms
  • The explanation of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies and advice on correction
  • Recommendations on your basic meal plan
  • Discussion of any additional functional laboratory tests

After the consultation

You may be prescribed certain laboratory tests before returning to the clinic for your follow-up consultation. If you should have any questions or feedback during this time, your nutritionist is available via email / phone, 24/7.

Follow up consultation(s)

Follow up consultations last 30 to 45 minutes. A follow up is recommended to review your program and adjust specifics as needed.

You can expect

  • A full review of the program
  • Review and explanation of any test results
  • Adaptation of the program
  • Addressing of any new symptoms / change in circumstances
  • A detailed nutrition program for the next stage of your treatment:  including diet, lifestyle and/or supplements tailored to suit you


Total Price: €375

* Any additional lab studies, specialist consultations, diagnostics, or procedures will be provided in a separate invoice

** A separate invoice will be made for all medications

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